
你拍攝的 DSC_0009。


Somewhere in Australia  


Somewhere in Australia where the sun is like a curse.    

And each day is followed by another slightly worse.

And the brick red dust blows thicker than the shifting desert sand.

And the men dream and wish for a fair and greener land.




Somewhere in Australia where the mail is always late.

Where a Christmas card in April is considered up-to-date.

Where we never have a pay day and we never pay the rent.

But we never miss the money 'cause we never get it spent.


Somewhere in Australia where the ants and the lizards play.

And a hundred fresh mosquitoes reinforce the ones you slay.

So take me back to good old Sydney where I can hear the tramway bell.

For this God-forsaken place is just a substitute for hell!


08年11月在DARWIN往BROOME的路上,在靠近GREGORY NP附近的一個LOOKOUT停下來發現了這首有趣的詩

版子上註明這首詩是由 NACKEROOS(點這見細節)的無名詩人創作


澳洲的北部是TROPICAL 熱帶雨林氣候,夏天是雨季,幾乎天天都是大雷雨,而大雨將所有的路都淹沒,所有后域卻了高速公路之外幾乎是封閉的。而冬季則是乾季,也是旅遊旺季,所有在南方冷到不行的人都全往北邊取暖去了。而這首詩是1942年二次世界大戰被派去抗日的軍隊被這無耐的氣候和大地而寫出來的詩。其中提到像是被詛咒一樣的酷熱太陽,還有那就算四月才收到的聖誕卡都還算郵局有準時派送,而每日工作但沒薪領也不用付房租,甚至沒地方花錢,等等等等都可以看的出這些軍人真的很想回到南方文明的雪梨呀!! 




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